The notion of inherited skills


The lines above triggers me to write about this notion of inherited skills, that is somehow being accepted by the others. This is article is written to see the truth behind this statement by considering some important points, this is to verify whether the statement is true or not true. This is also to consider other people who strive hard to develop their musical skills within their selves and were able to come up with a beautiful product of their creativity and imagination through music. 

I have been working in this field of art quite sometime starting when i start to appreciate the beauty of music. Though it is not in formal education but only teaching my self learning to learn music. With the starting obstacle on how to make my self inclined with it. It is difficult at the start but it become simple as the time goes by. Reading notes for instance is not an easy task. Putting your finger on the piano requires a lot of practice. Mastering the dynamics and any other elements of music required a lot of time. This cannot be done in one shot. Those experiences shows that to learn something better is learning to learn it and execute it. 

Below are the quotes from musicians about learning music: 

Franz Joseph Haydn Quotes:

 "Young people can learn from my example that something can come from nothing. What I have become is the result of my hard efforts."

Zoltan Kodaly Quotes:

"Only art of intrinsic value is suitable for children! Everything else is harmful.
We should read music in the same way that an educated adult will read a book: in silence, but imagining the sound.
"To teach a child an instrument without first giving him preparatory training and without developing singing, reading and dictating to the highest level along with the playing is to build upon sand.
"Teach music and singing at school in such a way that it is not a torture but a joy for the pupil; instill a thirst for finer music in him, a thirst which will last for a lifetime."(
Even the world renowned musicians accepted the fact that learning is a vital role in making musicians. 
I have mentioned before to my students in one of my science classes, that environment is an essential factor to allow the innate potentials to come out and be shown. Our body as all other science enthusiasts know is being governed by a series of biological process. Hormones for example is one of products of this process. Environment should provide all the required elements for a living organism to develop or otherwise it perish. Our cells is fully equipped with codes that are imprinted in our DNA, genes are these factors that I mentioned. It is like a huge library of codes being closely packed in our cells and the cells have to reread it many times and look for the available resources to assemble what is being required in that code. That is the synthesis of proteins done by ribosomes. 
The Ribosome is a large complex molecule which is responsible for catalyzing the formation of proteins from individual amino acids using messenger RNA as a template. To learn about ribosomes, Click Here! The code is useless when there no enough materials in the body for the cell to utilize. That is where all these things depend to. 
Behaviorally speaking, the same thing will happen in learning a particular skill. We can be capable of doing something, but that is upon giving our self an avenue to express and exercise it. Being creative is a skill, like a musician that they can hear a music within their selves and try to organize it and put into writing, that is how our great musical scores come to show up and be played repeatedly by other who happens to hear and appreciate it. 
Maybe there are other people out there that even how many times they tried to learn playing with any musical instruments but still failed to reach the desired goal. If this is the case, then there is a need to review how the process of learning it is done. 
I therefore, suggest especially to others who working so hard to be a good musician, that to be a great musician is to learn how to learn it. And when you already learned how to learn music, then you now have the door opened for a vast opportunities out there.  

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We have a lot of musical score available on the internet and you can download it anytime. These musical scores could help you in some way by discovering how their music has been made, by looking into their dynamics and the way how the harmony is manipulated.