The simplicity of human thoughts and perception

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." 

We found things complicated as it was, we also found things too simple, but we try to understand the complexity of the other by looking at the very core that causes its complexity. This is always the issue even in education nowadays especially in science and mathematics. Sometimes we are successful in understanding things, and were able to make something new. But sometimes we fail to understand it, and then we say that we did not fully understand the nature of things. We then propose that there are laws that governs everything around us, and we try to know these laws. We call it LAW with our belief that this is always be in every time and never change. It is indeed difficult sometimes to cal the governing principles as law, because most of the time it won't work in a certain similar situations. We call it a THEORY, we simply say that principles that mostly work in a given situation. Through this, we could explain things and study it. We can extend more our understanding through the principles we have formed. It is indeed distasteful to say that we are living in the world of uncertainty, since our belief and understanding is based on what and how we perceived things. In this regard, it is true that we humans have our own way of understanding and our way of understanding is not the same others do. So how we make sure that everything we do will work as it is expected? We just simply put our faith to our work, and believing that we are in the right track, through this, we could say that what we are doing is right.

We always seek for the truth of everything we see, we always seek for the validity of the claims of others. When it suited with our own conviction and belief, then we extend our faith to it. When it's not, we never label it as correct. The true thing of the other may not be the true to the other. Only it become true when we understand the others view and have a common feeling on it. This is then the cause of variability in the society, others may accept the particular type of actions but others not.

To put our self to uncertainty is not advisable because it will only put your self in an unfamiliar situation. It is sometimes safe to stay with what kind of thought had been established so far. In that sense, you fell the feeling of belongingness and security. Others depart from the norms because they feel something much better than staying with it, and this is perhaps be the cause of everyday experiences. To experience it is not easy, discrimination may come when others feel that your separating from their way of thinking. Whatever be the case may be, only one thing is important in this situation, you have the right to express it and stay what you believe is right. But it is also important to say that saying that were doing the right thing is not always safe, because what we believe to right may not be the right thing at all.